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Wellness through the feet

"A journey of a thousand miles began with a single step"

- Lao Tzu
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My philosophy

Breath, release, repeat...

My bio

Having obtained my reflexology certification with RAC (Reflexology association of Canada) in 1996, my passion for my profession has grown steadily. My desire to deepen my knowledge led me to take several other training courses such as workshops with Mrs Hanne Marquardt in Reflexotherapy, training in Craniosacral Reflexology with Dr. Martine Faure-Alderson, most recently, training in Ayurvedic reflexology with Mrs. Sharon Stathis, training in TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine  only to name a few. My fascination with reflexology is boundless. Every session I do always amazes me, even after 23 years of practice. 

Life has such a fast pace these days. It is essential to take a recovery break from time to time. This is where reflexology comes into play. Our body is constantly solicited by various stimuli that it is almost always in a sympathetic state, what we call the fight or flight response.  Reflexology can bring this pause, this well deserved recovery time. 


  • Having a reflexology session is giving your body the time it needs to repair itself.

  • Having a reflexology session is allowing yourself to slow down.

  • Having a reflexology session is giving yourself  permission to finally exhale. 

  • To have a reflexology session is to say that we prioritize ourselves to be the best we can be for our loved ones.

  • Having a reflexology session is offering yourself the best relaxation moment.


No matter the aches and pains, the human body has to capacity to heal itself. It is truly a masterpiece. Let us give it the opportunity it needs to heal in order to function better. 


*Insurance receipts available in naturotherapy and massage therapy.


Proud member of

Association Québequoise des Thérapeutes Naturels
Réflexologie Craniosacré
International reflexology
qu'est-ce que la réflexologie

What is reflexology?

Reflexology as been around for thousands of years. From ancient Egypt to Asia, this form of manual therapy as evolved over the years. Many schools of thought exist but the basis remain the same. 


Based on the principle that we have reflex points at our extremities, feet, hands and ears, corresponding to every organ, muscle, membrane and joint.


These reflex points are manually stimulated to help the body function better. Reflexology becomes a beautiful tool for the person who receives it. Reflexology helps you regain optimal health.


Reflexology encourages homeostasis of the body.

"If you touch something with deep awareness, you touch everything."

- Lao Tzu 


"Please do not hurt me."
"I will make it so you praise me."

The reflexologist will not diagnose any illness or disease. Reflexology most not replace medicine. If symptoms persist, you should contact your doctor.

What people think 

Nathalie, Ouest de l'Île de Montréal

J’ai eu ma première expérience avec la réflexologie il y a un peu plus d’un an. J’ai pris ce rendez-vous car je cherchais une solution pour mes symptômes d’anxiétés. J’étais nerveuse pour ma première rencontre et mal à l’aise d’exprimer la raison de ma visite. Mais, Renée a démontré un professionnalisme exceptionnel. Les traitements ont diminué mes crises d’angoisses ainsi que leurs intensités. Je continue de fréquenter Renée lorsque je ressens le besoin pour une petite « mise à jour » ou tout simplement pour relaxer. Je recommande fortement la réflexologie à tous peu importe la raison. Les résultats pourraient vous surprendre!


Caroline, Île Perrot

For a number of years I was feeling "stuck" seemingly unable to move forward with my life. I was also feeling a great deal of physical pain which was overwhelming me. My sister suggested I try a reflexology session with Renée. I was to learn that this was no ordinary reflexology but was an intuitive and enhanced methodology. I embarked on a healing journey that surprised me! The intensity of the release of the bloked, suppressed emotional and physical energy was nothing short of miraculus. It enabled me to perceive much greater pissibilities for myself. It may take you by surprise as you go though it, but know that you are in excellent hands when working with Renée.  She is a healer and a guide in my eyes.




Craniosacral reflexology is a manual therapy integrating osteopathy, craniosacral therapy and reflexology. Developed by doctor Martine Faure-Alderson, craniosacral reflexology helps re-harmonize the CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) and the primary respiratory movement, the breath of life. Working on the nervous system,this type of reflexology works on the 3 pillars of the human being: structural, emotional and mental/spiritual making it very effective in helping with both physical and emotional trauma. Reflexology encourages the body to go back to its own normal.


Ayurveda : Ayur (vie) Veda (savoir)

​Est une philosophie / médecine indienne traditionnelle datant de plus de 5000 ans. Cette philosophie met l’accent sur l’énergie vitale de la personne (Prana), l’harmonie et l’équilibre de l’esprit, l’âme, l’environnement et les cinq éléments du corps humain qui se compose de trois forces fondamentales : les doshas (Vata – éther et air, Pitta – feu et eau, Kapha – eau et terre). Il favorise la connaissance de l’individu dans son ensemble.


​Combinée à la réflexologie, cette technique aide le corps à retrouver son énergie.

Reflexology becomes a tool for the body in order to reestablish balance and good health. It encourages the homeostasis state of the body.







  • MUSCULOSKELETAL                     



Contact me at

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90, Morgan, suite 211

Baie D'Urfé, Qc.

H9X 3A8


Tel: 514 674-0919

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